Montag, 11. Juli 2011

Academic Summer

As I approach the end of the first year of my PhD, I am 'on tour' with my performance lecture Open Offer for Elbow Room - A Silent Lecture this summer. After an initial presentation at the postgraduate student conference 'Production' in Wolverhampton last week, I will stop at Central School of Speech and Drama this Thursday, 14th July, as part of the 'Authoring Theatre' conference, after which I will meet other postgraduate students at the 'Life Beyond the PhD' conference at Cumberland Lodge (Windsor) in Mid-August and my final stop will be York St John University on Thursday 1 September where I will present/perform at the 'Philosophy & ... ' conference.

I will also be performing in Metrology by Katerina Paramana presented as part of STOFF - Stockholm Fringe Fest 2011 on Friday 26 August.

For information on any of the events, please see below:

Happy (academic) summer everyone!